Posted by Steve
Monday, January 9, 2023 8:12 AM

We're silver/bronze scrubs that only play a couple times a week. Our agents and KDs, etc. are all different, but we noticed one thing that we all shared:
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I only use smoke ability like 60% of the rounds, is Omen just not for me?
And I rarely use the ultimate, I use it between 0 to 2 times per game in total (including both halves so 0 to 1 per half), blinding I use it sometimes, like I would say once every 5 rounds, and teleport about 1-5 per whole match. I play Ome...
Posted by Otto
Sunday, September 4, 2022 6:31 AM
Do I just have bad hidden mmr? In Immortal 2 but getting Ascendant (sometimes but rarely diamond) lobbys.
I'm happy that I've been climbing a lot recently. I've gone from ascendant 2 to imm2 this act. Maybe its because I'm not being patient enough but I'm still getting the same type/rank of players in my games as I was when I was ascendant 2....
Posted by Otto
Saturday, October 8, 2022 7:14 PM
/remake is fake, doesnt work and is flawed
played 3 matches today. game starts 5v5. one is afk. we can't remake. after round 2 the player is officially disconnected. the game keeps on going, nothing you can do about it. why is this option even in the game?
Posted by Otto
Sunday, April 11, 2021 1:14 PM