Peak rank is not indicative of current skill, look at their last rank instead

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 8:26 PM

This has been extremely common since the rank reset. People check trackers of their opponents, see they were peak whatever rank - let's say Ascendant - and complain "how can I get matched against an Ascendant when I'm only a Plat?!"

Peak rank does NOT represent someone's current rank/skill. Matching a peak Ascendant is NOT NECESSARILY the same as matching a current Ascendant.

There are lots of ways for people to have peak ranks that don't represent their current skill. For example, players who:

  1. Go on a lucky win streak, climbing to a rank they can't actually stay in because they can't perform at that level consistently.
  2. Used to be really good, but have became worse, like after taking a long break or having less time to play.
  3. Used to rely on a specific agent/strategy, but can't keep up anymore after that thing got nerfed.

So don't base your feelings on the opponent's peak rank. Look at their current rank, or if a reset recently happened, their rank at the end of the last act.



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