People who say “I’m throwing” in competitive games, y’all should throw yourself out of the game.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, July 4, 2021 1:28 AM

Ah there’s always that one guy saying “I’m throwing”. Why do you even bother coming dude? Shut up. I don’t want to hear it, if you’ve joined a competitive match, for the love of god, please take it seriously. I’m here practicing my aim all week, working on my cross hair placement, trying to learn game sense and this one guy just comes and says that “oh I’m throwing”. And just like that, team starts to fall apart and that effort goes to waste. Why? Because one guy was “Xp hUNtiNg” or some other shitty excuse. Ngl I was playing a game, and this happened. When I asked all my teammates and enemies to report this freak, he started mollying me and flashing me, shooting me and blocking my way, I literally couldn’t play. What kind of low life creatures do this? Seriously. THIS DOES NOT MAKE YOU LOOK COOL.



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