People throwing for gun skins

Posted by Steve

Thursday, February 18, 2021 6:02 PM

I had a ranked game where 3 people on my team wanted my gun skin (elderflame vandal) , I thought nothing of it just some pretty match chat and I said oh that’s cool I own it . The tone of the match changed instantly to them begging for my account/ skin , I said I would drop it for them if they bought it for me in game (I thought that was fare because I didn’t want to buy 4 vandals ) . They said that that was outrageous and they would not if I didn’t give it to them , I just said if you buy it for me I’ll drop it . The game then evolved into them following me and not crouch/shift waking and shoot to make noise , they made sure the other team knew where I was and they second that I died they ran to get my skin . This is not the first time it happened and it’s becoming increasingly frustrating, riot needs to find a way to fix this like making all skins available like league or or making gun skins less expensive . I may sound like a bitch and you may just think , don’t buy skins, but I like supporting riot and them have apathy towards the situation turns me off of buying mtx



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