Ping abuse issue STILL?

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 24, 2021 11:33 PM

I feel as if this issue doesn't get spoken about enough considering how big of an issue it is. I have noticed that people with 44-72ms ping are extremely hard to shoot unless they are standing completely still, does anyone else notice this? I'm not posting to moan or cry about skill etc I would consider myself alright at the game playing at immortal rank. A lot of the players I queue into complain about this issue also. I am just wondering if many people notice it.

In my immortal games there is always a 60/70 ping player top fragging either on my team or the enemy team and it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to get shot when swinging corners. I also notice in deathmatch I get frags with relevant ease on players with around 20ish ping similar to mine but then 50+ ping players are impossible to shoot or just instantly hs me round a corner.

I knew peekers advantage was awful in valorant but this is just a joke now, one year on and the game still has huge issues with server quality and ping differences, any time I see a player on the opposite team with "higher" ping than should be playable I just immediately don't want to be in that server and it's becoming such an issue that me and my friends are close to leaving valorant. The game is amazing when everyone has similar ping and shots connect and I would hate to have to quit due to terrible infrastructure! however, desynced shots going through enemies and players able to just queue into 40ms to get better advantages is killing ranked.

Either have a ping cap so players cant ping abuse or fix the netcode of the game? Does anyone else have a greater understanding of this issue with suggestions for a fix?



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