Pings , running , headshots

Posted by Steve

Sunday, November 22, 2020 7:57 PM

I noticed that the ping bands at this time split into 3. <= 20 (minor or equal) 21 <x <40 ( x is included between 21 and 40) 40+

right now the game is really giving me some strange feeling or if we find a lobby with more or less ping in the same band it plays very well otherwise it's a disaster.

I try to give you an example suppose to be any player that pinga boh 30ms

if in the opposing team we have too many players that ping <20 practically you never win 1 vs 1, which following the "Fps" theory is trivial but correct. the problem becomes big when on the other side there are lobbies with people who pinga 40 50 60 + according to the theory I should be favored and instead these players on Valorant are invincible they run and do hs when you are in 1vs1 they seem not hittable ... it's happens only to me?

Just to clarify, I wrote this post not for flame but to open a constructive discussion on the problem, if it exists



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