Pistol Ace

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 15, 2022 7:00 AM

First pistol ace! My performance in pistol rounds was bad for the first few months, but after practicing a reasonable amount I feel like this ace proves to me that the practise paid off, I'm really happy with this one! It's not perfect and I need to work on my reaction time but I definitely feel my crosshair placement has improved some!

Constructive feedback appreciated :)

Just a note, when I'm focused on playing I won't notice half the time how many kills I got hence my confusion over my friend saying for me to get the ace, I genuinely thought someone else had gotten a kill and kinda forgot how many people I'd killed so far (plus it was kind of late for me) šŸ˜…


  • https://v.redd.it/qlobkrjkgw5a1
  • https://reddit.com/zlx4tv

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