Posted by Steve
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 10:07 PM
First post here. I'm a plat 1 player (peak p2) and I've been playing for a total 1000 hours now (first fps game ever). Mostly I rely more on game sense than mechanics. So, I often get outgunned and hence I've decided to work on my shooting. There are days when my aim is on point I can completely rout the enemies and stack 30+ even 40+ kills but it's rare.
I main controllers or initators (viper/brim/fade) and that's perhaps why I rely more on my abilities and game sense than my aim. I wanted to know what are good range stats as in how many average kills on hard mode are decent for plat? I play very well with teams with comms as I can then read patterns and coordinate accordingly but when it's just silence I feel like my wings have been clipped and I tilt at times. So I've decided to work on my own game and not rely on the team as much and I really need advice for how to do that. Thanks and have a great day!
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