Please shoot the roomba, tripwires, turrets etc. for your teammates

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 29, 2021 5:19 PM

There is nothing worse when you're using jett knives and a turret is slowing u down but ur teammate just stands there and doesn't shoot the thing.

I've seen many people who just stand and watch their teammate getting chased by a roomba, they don't even bother to shoot it all unless it's coming for them.

Or when a skye ult is coming on a teammate caught in reload, they just let their teammate deal with it, eventhough they could've shot it down for them.

To all those people, I just wanna say, please shoot the tripwires, bots, roombas etc. for ur teammates. The littlest of things u do for them actually helps a lot and sometimes even save them from dying stupidly. I've started doing it myself, whenever I see any of teammate being caught in things I immediately shoot it for them. Don't be selfish and inconsiderate and help ur teammates out :) peace.



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