Please, stop shouting at Sage players to "Heal!"and revive. It doesn't help us in stressful situations, and is an annoyance. Also, stop being assholes to Sage mains in general.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 6:16 PM

I know, this sounds like a complaint post, like how the community is all bad and really annoying, and tbh, it kinda is. I went from a Brimstone main to a Sage main + Sova secondary + Omen, and people, especially in my low ELO, jump off a high cliff, like B site on Ascent, and then block me from playing the game like a normal person by blocking me until I heal them for like the 12 damage they incurred by being idiots and jumping off.

Some people need to realize that we are just players like them, and to not simply request heals(reasonable to ask after taking a site and you are a 50 health, not reasonable to sabotage a Sage just because you took one shot to the chest from a Spectre). We aren't some sort of slave for when you are an idiot and mess up.

I am not trying to flame, but the number of times I've had my teammates scream at me for Heals when I am literally across the map pisses the shit out of me. After that, basically sabotaging because I won't heal them after being an idiot and running off Heaven in B on Ascent or accidentally shock darting themselves. I admit, I am not fucking C9 TenZ or 100T Hiko, and I am also pretty trash at the game, but let me do my job instead of incessant flaming, cause I hate muting people, in case I miss out on important info.

Next, don't assume a Sage player is immediately a female. Yeah, I am a dude who is a Sage main. I have had so many freaking lobbies when I have had people ask me to show the nether region of the female species, and to give my Discord/WhatsApp no, and get incredibly offended when they hear me comm, because you can then obviously tell I am a dude. It is highly inappropriate, and tbh, I don't want to hear bullshit across comms, more than I need to. Don't be a creep like this.

Yeah, this is a vent. But please, don't simply be assholes to Sage mains and let me do my job. I also want to win just as much as you.



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