Problem in maining an agent

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 12, 2021 12:31 PM

So I(S1) usually play either omen or Reyna in 5 Stack lobbies.

But in solo/duo/trio queue, Most people instalock duelist and other agents and I have to act as a filler and take something like sova/Kj/Sage for the team, Tho I know all the lineups/some tricks(Grim's wall etc) but I feel like the reason I am stuck in S1 even tho I play and frag good at S3-G1 lobbies is because of playing multiple agents.

When I am either not in the proper mood or my aim is off, I don't mind filling up But rest of the days, I just don't wanna play any thing other than duelists.

So, Shall I instalock whatever I wanna play, and hope that other players choose agents which will balance the team or have the "Fuck it" and choose duelist even when there are already two duelists kinda?

PS: I am most confident in playing Reyna. I like taking agressive peeks, Entrying the site first which I can't do as side characters like kj for example. I play passively, watch flanks, play post planet and ultimately bottom frag which gets me less RR on winning and lose more RR on losing.



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