Posted by Steve
Monday, July 4, 2022 1:57 AM
I do think I got pretty lucky with matchmaking. But I did try some things differently and feel as it’s been one of the main factors in me ranking up so quickly. 65% win rate (top .3%) out of 80 matches
-Warming up Went into the range and would kill 100bots with Jett knives and then with either the guardian or vandal. Also would do the easy bots and made sure I hit 30 before going to medium. Then would make sure I hit 20 on medium before moving to hard which I wouldn’t stop until I hit 12.
After doing that every-time I got on the game or whenever I wasn’t feeling it, I upped it to getting 25 on medium, and getting 15on hard 3 times in a row.
-Playstyle I changed my play style to be a lot more ratty and to utilize off-angles way more. I also mainly played viper but sometime played yoru, chamber or Jett. A big thing was not chasing frags, It’s kind of difficult because the game is more fun, but you shouldn’t give your opponent multiple 1v1s just because you have a 2 man advantage.
I watched several YouTube/TikTok videos about viper for map specific strats which helped tremendously as I could take control of rounds we shouldn’t win. And also just having multiple strategies to staying unpredictable to your enemies.
I didn’t go crazy with comms, but I did it with important things, and have been calling more things out as well.
I’m tired rn, so this post is prob low quality, but if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask :) (I know ascendant 1 still isn’t super high up, but to rank up so drastically in a short amount of time has been an exciting and fun grind that I’m proud of, so if I can help anyone, that’d be awesome.)
IGN is AwflWafl#rat Valorant tracker doesn’t show I’m ascendant yet because it’s based off the last game and my last one was my rank up game and then I got off.
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