Pushing through Mollies/Smokes, ever a good idea?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 12, 2020 12:31 PM

Much too often, I find myself in a situation where either I or a teammate pushes a choke, only for a smoke or molly to land, separating the player from the rest of their team. It almost always ends up where the pushed player gets killed, and there is no one to trade as everyone bailed on the push.

What is the best choice in those scenarios? Push through, taking the damage or the viability disadvantage, or have the team pull back and hope the solo player can manage a kill or two? Or should the solo player retreat?

It’s pretty aggravating when I have to push as Omen when we have two or three duelists, only to see them get scared off by a Brim molly or smoke.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jseyl1/pushing_through_molliessmokes_ever_a_good_idea/
  • https://reddit.com/jseyl1

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