Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 12:31 AM
I am just trying to improve my Raze satchels and I wonder if anyone had any insight on this. I can confidently double satchel with air strafing and bhopping after landing to an extent, but there's one more thing on my mind. With Raze players like GrayFPS and Flights, does bhopping before the first satchel give you any more speed? Especially GrayFPS, he always bhops and air strafes off of an elevated surface and he goes FLYING. I noticed I can't reach the distances as consistently as they can so I was curious to find out if the bhopping beforehand was an extra key to her movement. I also use elevated surfaces and air strafing during the jump so that's probably not the problem, but I never do the bhopping before the first satchel. Any help supported thanks guys!
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