QUESTION: Would you rather play against people running around hitting lucky one taps OR against a smurf that gets 40+ kills?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 17, 2020 7:00 AM

If you're Iron/Bronze/Silver and thinking of choosing an option, think again! Because you get both.

Wanna enter a site with your team? A Phoenix shows up shooting everywhere and hits two head-shots on your team.

But hey, you killed him! It's a 3v4. You and your team kills 3 bronzies running around that weren't as lucky as Phoenix. You might actually win this round.

You plant the spike, you guys hide and set up to defend the spike.

A Reyna with 3 bullets left in her Vandal shows up. It's fine, it's all she needs.

Bam, bam, bam. 3 quick one taps on everyone, winning the round. The Reyna types "ez" on all chat and you lose the game.

You look into the leaderboard. On top - Reyna - followed by your 5 team members, followed by the 4 lucky guys who got carried to victory. You never want to play ranked again.

But you queue up. Same thing happens. Because you thought you had a choice.

But you don't. Both. You get both. Every. Single. Game. And so you just pray you're lucky enough to be on the smurf team next time.



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