Racism towards Asians in Valorant

Posted by Steve

Monday, September 13, 2021 9:52 PM

Honestly me (16M) , as an Asian guy find it really hard to play on valorant (western region) a lot of the times. I have a Chinese username, and I'm considering even changing it just for the sake of these constant comments. As soon as someone sees my name, they make all kinds of accents, jokes, and stereotypes often around how emasculated asian men are, how I cant see because of my eyes, and all kinds of nonsense. The worst part is, this is normal. Asians have always been the punching bag of passive racism. Its okay to make jokes about how you cant pronounce our names, make kungfu noises everytime asians are mentioned, and it all gets "brushed off".

Asians are often obidient and dont cause a lot of trouble, so we just stay passive, and thats exactly what we do when we mute and report. This allows for these microaggresions of racism to continue, because its not that bad. its not like you're saying the n word. Im not saying that its a race against which minority group gets it the worst either, I'm just saying that we all experience racism differently, and all of it sucks. When are people going to realise that these types of racism towards asian is not okay? Anyways, I'm just pissed. What do yall think of this?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pmsyoj/racism_towards_asians_in_valorant/
  • https://reddit.com/pmsyoj

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