Raging at teammates isn't helping

Posted by Steve

Sunday, January 22, 2023 3:38 AM

Just like everyone I've had my fair share of teammates underperforming, but unfortunately yesterday I was that teammate.

I played two games before and they went great. I won both and got Match MVP in one of them so I felt great. However that third game was a disaster and probably the worst performance I've ever had. The first half I legit went 0-10, I don't think I've ever experienced that before.

Obviously I wasn't feeling great, but at least my team was doing well so I stayed positive. However once my teammates started flaming me for everything I did my mental and confidence just got crushed. I didn't dare to peek anything anymore, knowing that dying would just make them rage once more and while we ended the first half 9-3, we lost that game 11-13 (yes 9-3 curse lol) and I ended with a score of 4-19 and an average combat score of 63, maybe the worst I've ever had.

I feel like if my teammates had just been positive and tried to hype me up I would have performed better the second half and we may just have won. People may find this hard to believe, but I don't think I've ever raged or got mad at a teammate, knowing that they are just trying their best and raging at them isn't making them play any better (the opposite actually).

In the end it's also my fault for not just muting them instantly, since I normally do this if people are toxic, but I felt like the comms were needed to win the game. Pretty sure it would have helped more to just mute them.

So yeah maybe if you recognize yourself in this and you are also sometimes raging at teammates, just know that you are probably just decreasing your chance to win and trying to lift them up helps a lot more :)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/10h4hr9/raging_at_teammates_isnt_helping/
  • https://reddit.com/10h4hr9

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