rank is a bad indicator of skill

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 20, 2020 3:09 AM

On my main account I'm currently d1, and the plat and diamond teammates skill level is very inconsistent to their rank, a diamond 3 could be playing like a gold with the worst crosshair placement I've seen, a plat 2 could carry my ass and entry with confidence every round. I thought that it's just because people are having bad days/good days. However I started a new account recently and queued with my iron 3 irl friend, and the irons/bronze players I played with were way better than I thought, easily could carry their own weight in gold/plat level games, and this confused me so much. Most of them had good crosshair placement, ie they are aiming at head level, and could land the shots sometimes, it's just the followup spray that needs improvement. The enemies were also pretty good, they attacked a site together, however they just rarely rotate after being spotted out early, which was common in gold/plat as well. Some of them can even win me in aim duels. My aim may not be immortal level but it's good enough to tap diamond players. I'm wondering if its just my region (Asia) that has insane irons and bronzes or it could be that I had a rare game of a smurf filled lobby?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jwynf3/rank_is_a_bad_indicator_of_skill/
  • https://reddit.com/jwynf3

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