Ranked needs a HARD MMR reset for all ranks. Diamond to Radiant is way to easy to achieve, the skill level of immortal and diamond players varies to much. The overall mechanical skill in high elo has gone down significantly from act 1.

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 4, 2020 4:36 PM

In the "higher elos" the skill gap between players in diamond to immortal is almost non existent. It seems like a lot of players are being passively boosted to higher ranks through 1 or 2 players carrying.

There is almost no balance in matchmaking. Having a previous act rank of plat 3 then suddenly that player is immortal 2 the next act is hilarious. That previously plat 3 player should never realistically be able to achieve the 3rd highest rank in the game in that short of time.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k62mg0/ranked_needs_a_hard_mmr_reset_for_all_ranks/
  • https://reddit.com/k62mg0

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