Ranked system misconceptions

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, February 16, 2021 5:04 AM

Every day there are posts here about the flawed ranked system, well sry to give it to you like this but the ranking system works.

First things first, the “problem” addressed by you guys are always related with low gains and high losses of RR. This happens because riot is adjusting your RR with you MMR. If they are the same you will have the same gains and losses, and that is how it should be. But why do they keep happening? Riot doesn’t want to players to feel sad so they did something to keep gamers happy, they implemented a free ride. Let’s say you are gold 2 with 10 RR and lose a match, losing 25 points should make you a gold 1 now. But Riot just give you a free ride and let you keep that Gold 2 rank with 0 RR. I wonder why no one complains about this. However, this hurts you more than you think. You MMR just dropped to gold 1 so now Riot will try to balance your RR with your MMR and now you will start to gain less and lose more. You will be getting matches with people who will be below your rank, but with the same MMR as you, causing this big misconception of why are you playing with people lower than you.

This is really easy to see if you keep losing games with low RR and not dropping a rank. You can be a plat 1 player with silver MMR if you keep losing 2 games and winning 1 in this free ride spot.

This is how the system works for valorant, gives you a free ride and then takes your points on wins but on the other hand if players smurf in low ranks they will climb faster and will let you play with people with your MMR and making the games balanced for everyone. This is a system that works well.

The best thing you can do is play as much as you can and have fun. Forget the system is here. The more you look at the ranking system the more stressful you will get, taking the fun of a video game.



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lkdz9m/ranked_system_misconceptions/
  • https://reddit.com/lkdz9m

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