Ranking up

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 21, 2022 5:04 AM

I’m currently Gold 1, my peak was Gold 3. I stopped playing Valorant for months but now I’m playing again and enjoying it. My first rank in this act was Silver 2 and I’m currently Gold 1 but 1 win away from Gold 2. I play Brimstone, Chamber and a bit of Kay/O. My question is what agents should I focus more and where can I train my movement. I think one of my problems is movement and bad habits in terms of play style. I play SoloQ and sometimes it’s hell. I like to ask my teammates how they are and try to create a conversation so we can have a better game but it’s not always easy. Sorry for my bad English but I’m from Portugal. Hope you have a great day


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/utox8n/ranking_up/
  • https://reddit.com/utox8n

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