Rank(RR) gain and loss is way to grindy / hidden mmr should improve/decrease faster

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 24, 2021 4:36 AM

It's so hard to gain and lose Rank Rating(RR) once the hidden MMR is set. It is hilarious.

I see radiant players 3 acts in a row with negative winrates. They slowly drop, but so slowly that they can remain radiant 3 acts in a row. Even though they have 15 more losses than wins per act.

I am 20 wins positive in this act and only got 180RR for it. That's basically 9RR for each win and I've played a total of 180 matches in this act. Imagine each win and loss is +20/-20, so I should get about 400RR for 20 wins positive. What's so hard about that? How is someone with limited time supposed to rank up. It takes months.

Hidden mmr gain is so slow that it becomes so frustrating to rank up, even with high win rates (55-60%). If you are on a winstreak you are going to lose so much RR for every loss that you are pulled back to your hidden mmr and it only improves by a very small amount of rating.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/njcaul/rankrr_gain_and_loss_is_way_to_grindy_hidden_mmr/
  • https://reddit.com/njcaul

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