Remember to not let this game take life away from you

Posted by Steve

Sunday, October 9, 2022 12:17 PM

Of course, I’m not expecting people to take this advice or agree with me because this is the internet. But this game can be really consuming. After CSGO died down, I stopped playing FPS shooters all together and managed to get back a lot of the time and use my time I would’ve used for CSGO for real things in life like learning and experiencing new things. When I got back on Val, I saw the same old habits coming up where I would stay up until 4am playing comp telling myself “1 more round 1 more round”. I just want you guys to know that while it’s completely okay to be invested in this game, try not to use all your free time on this game and try to have long breaks before you get back on comp. I’ve noticed that I play a lot better, am a lot more happy and a lot less toxic when I take a 1-2 day break after a 7 hour comp sitting. Remember, this is just a game and you’re most likely not going pro. Don’t let valorant take up most of your time as a kid/teen/adult.

One last thing. STOP SPENDING YOUR MONEY ON SKINS. It’s okay to buy skins once in a while. I’ve definitely been guilty for it. Just don’t buy the bundles cuz they are a waste of money and don’t look to spend your money on it every once in a while. A prime vandal headshots like a normal vandal.




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