Posted by Steve
Friday, December 4, 2020 7:28 PM
I have been using the 1-strike rule in which when a player shows toxicity the first time, I mute them instantly. I also do my part as a player to report players who are toxic, griefing, and those who are afks. I think I have already reported a lot of players for these kinds of behavior and I think it would be nice if I know that they have already received penalty. A lot of players are really toxic and it ruins the game especially for beginners. They could also introduce something like the honor system on league which might stop people from being toxic.
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I really want like something like a progress chart for ranked in Valorant
Basically, it shows you how many arrows/games you need to rank up to the next rank. It could also show you how many arrows/games it will take until you derank.
Edit: Didn’t notice how many likes I put in the title. Please don’t sue me
Posted by Otto
Friday, November 27, 2020 8:55 PM
butt clenching viper ace to keep us in overtime

Posted by Otto
Sunday, May 30, 2021 5:48 PM
Every LINEUP You will ever need in one app/website.
Hello Everyone!
Our Valorant Lineups project reached a new milestone. We have opened up our website for public. If you haven't heard of us yet, our focus is to create biggest Valorant Lineups library. Help community to get better in V...
Posted by Otto
Friday, April 15, 2022 4:07 AM