Riot, you need to fix ranked matchmaking. This is a mess. Please read this.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 11:04 AM

I really hope we get a response from the community valorant team. Over the past few days, there have been many posts about how ranked matchmaking seems broken. People going on 10-15 loss streaks even with decent performance on their end. There have been conspiracies that Riot is doing this on purpose so that players have to keep playing the game and grind more. If this is true, this is absurd. I have quit Valorant many times because of how bad ranked is. I have hit high Immortal only to get a 15 loss streak down to Diamond 1. MANY TIMES. It's not a coincidence at this point. This hidden MMR bullshit does not work and is not fair.

When I get deranked, its fairly easy to climb sometimes and then I get called a smurf or hacker by the other team since they KNOW I am not in their skill gap. They always ask me why I am in their ranks and IDK WHAT TO SAY. I have met Radiants in D1 who also complain about the same thing. Its just not fair and people are realizing this. What are you guys doing to the ranked system? What is the point of this? The teams mostly feel unbalanced a lot of the times. You either get stomped on by smurfs or you do the stomping. Then you get higher in the ranks only to get weird players that don't deserve to be in those ranks and then you go on another loss streak the continue the grind up again. I just don't understand the ranked system at this point. I don't think the Hidden MMR is helping at all. Nothing feels balanced and there are way too many smurfs. This is getting old quick and Riot doesn't seem to have an answer for this. It is killing the game.



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