Risk management as smoker

Posted by Steve

Monday, April 3, 2023 12:45 PM

Hello. I am a new-ish player (~5months) and this is my first tac fps. I’ve been trying to improve pretty much from the start and I now hit diamond solo q. I’ve been playing smokes (almost a Viper 1 trick) since silver.

Up until diamond, defense was manageable. Because teams rarely had a plan and they were slow and disorganized. But now, they are fast, dedicated and confident. Not contesting space leads to very low chance retakes.

Teammates are a raffle as you know. Most of the time I can’t persuade to contest space on defense. I think most people think that is holding main for example, and they get util dumped.

My dilemma is, if I die especially as first blood it is terrible for the team. However, if we “just hold the site” it is very difficult. For example, when I play pipes on icebox, I can deny a lot of ground and even force a rotate or whatever. If no one plays there and we wait for them around back site and screens, it’s already a retake.

So, I am looking for general pointers, and please let me know whose vods I should watch. I almost exclusively watch wohoojin so I don’t know anyone else tbh.

Thanks for any feedback


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/12absq7/risk_management_as_smoker/
  • https://reddit.com/12absq7

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