Posted by Steve
Tuesday, December 1, 2020 8:26 AM
I can't express this enough. I'm annoyed on why people who are chat banned still get to queue up with people who aren't. I'm currently in gold 2 and I know that I have the skills to go up even higher, but unfortunately I solo queue a lot, so I play with a lot of randoms. The amount of games that I get put in with people who are chat banned is absurd. I can tell they are chat banned because 1. They don't talk, 2. They don't even text in the in-game chat, 3. They only use in game comms (which in my opinion is bad) and 3. They spam your in-game chat with party invites.
I don't ever accept them because obviously they are nasty people who are probably going to be toxic anyways. I'll sometimes call them out and tell them that I'm not going to join their party. No surprise, they begin to troll you and throw the game on purpose.
With this happening so often, it's starting to make the game really unenjoyable and I just don't want to play anymore. This game is so fun to me so I'm giving it so many chances. If this continues then I'll just quit the game in general.
My solution to this is to severely punish chat banned people. Make them get in a queue with other chat banned people and only chat banned people. They can only hope that there are other nine people who are chat banned and get in a game. Turn off their option to invite and accept party invitations so they can really have a game of pure silence. Some may feel discouraged and not play the game when they're chat banned, but that's basically the point. They may just play with a smurf account, but if they play with the same negative attitude on their smurf accounts, then they'll get chat banned their too and the same thing will keep happening to them.
Overall there is no reason for people who aren't chat banned play with people who are. It ruins the experience for a lot of people and discourages them to play the game. I hope that you guys agree with my opinion and maybe leave other suggestions in the comments.
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