Sexism in VALORANT, what we can do as fellow men.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 25, 2022 6:31 PM

Part of the problem is staying quiet. So here's one solution, call them out! This sounds so simple, but the most important thing here that EVERYONE keeps doing it. I'm not just talking about the one game. The next one, the next one and the next one.

If you only do it once, yeah they probably won't care but if they get called out by the guys from the next game, the game after that, the game after that, EVERY game they play, they probably will stop or at least lessen their cringe behavior. Again, this only works if everyone does it. To them, being sexist is normal but their sexism is a habit we can kill with persistence. Same goes for general harassment.

It's a huge problem in general, but we at least can do this as men.



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