Posted by Steve
Monday, May 30, 2022 12:31 PM
I've noticed that when I play Chamber I seem to do better when I am not one of the firsts pushing on to site but when I stay a bit behind and try to trade out my duelists or others who have the initiative to push. This happens mostly when I play with friends that don't really play competitve so most of the times I end up being first on site since they don't really try to push and take space a good amount of times. Meanwhile when I play ranked solo and try to stay behind my other teammates I seem to play better and get more value as well as more frags. I know the meme about Chamber being a duelist but he just seems overall very weak to being the first on site since his tp doesn't seem to have almost any value on creating space. Am I just not doing my job well when going in first or should I wait for my "real duelists" to the job of pushing and just try to trade them out?
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