Silver 2's Matchmaking Consistency Problem

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:00 AM

I am a hardstuck S2 for episode 5. For the past few months I have noticed a pattern in matchmaking that has been happening to me. This specific problem with consistency happened on the realization I hit Silver 2. Bronze 1 to Silver 1 was a breeze going by, but from the moment I hit Silver 2, I started getting teammates that were worse than some irons that I played with back when I started out the game. It was completely appalling to me, and at the same time my stats also have fallen back due to the crazy amount of smurfs who have the craziest timings that have been throwing me off guard. I compared my match on my alt on silver 1 (which has very similar mmr to my silver 2 account), but my problems seem to be more apparent on my main that is in silver 2 (크롱이 is the alternate here and it is not possible for me to smurf since both accounts are on the same skill level, which does not make that account a smurf account). What would be the causing main factor to this? Right now, for myself personally, the only ones I can think of are my mentality and panicking, but I think there is a problem that is deeply rooted in the competitive system more than anything else. If someone can explain this I would gladly appreciate.



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