Smurfing, AFKing, TKing and Throwing arent as big as a problem as they seem, and arent exclusive to Valorant.

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 9, 2021 1:00 PM

Smurfing, AFKing, TKing and Throwing arent as big as a problem as they seem, and arent exclusive to Valorant.

I rarely use reddit but bare with me here. All over this subreddit, discord communities and literally in game, I see excuses and complaints about the big four. While yes a problem for sure, its a problem everywhere and cannot be solved without harming the experience drastically or creating easily abusable systems. Lets tackle these problems seperately. Also im not targetting anyone im just stating what i see and id love a friendly discussion.

Smurfing: Shroud made a very good statement on smurfing which is here ( While he is making blanket statements here, I have some stats that could show how its really, not as big of problem as it seems. The combined percentage of all players in Iron 1 - Silver 3 is 77% of the entire valorant playerbase. Now assuming that 1 in 3 of all players gold 1 and above have a smurf account in silver 3 or lower that means that in every 10 players there is an 84.7% chance that there will be a smurf, which seems like a lot, but now lets say that 50% of those players that have a smurf account would be playing it rather than playing their main that means that 42.35% of games would have a smurf. And even then there are way more variables that are in play here such as %of players online, as this very basic maths is stating that everyone is online at all times, including the smurfers playing on both accounts at once and so on, its just a very rough example of how its not a huge problem, while 42% is a bad stat, its biased towards the idea that there are a lot of smurfs in low ranks and im sure the actual % is way lower (if someones smarter than me than me and can work that out then please share it would be interesting to know)

AFKing/Sitting in spawn: Another problem often brought up, while yes a problem, the real "problem" being brought up is the rr loss. People dont feel they should lose as much RR for someone afking halfway into the game.First of all, I'm not justifying afk'ing at all, and riots punishment system (i think) is a very good way to combat people who tend to leave games early. But, you cant just "give" people less rr loss, because if you know how the valorant mmr system works youd know that either theyd have to give the winners less rr because they move up the ladder less for your team moving down the ladder less because you have an afk (which isnt fair on them, especially if the teammate afked because they were losing) or your rank would eventually drift further from your mmr (because youre losing less rr than you should be) and youll start losing 30 and winning 10 (which isnt fair on you) aswell as the fact that making you lose less rr is an easily abusable system, it just wouldnt work, at least without a complete mmr and rank rehaul.

TKing: While TKing is a problem aswell, reporting does just fine and will more often than not have them banned or tempbanned (depending obv). Now the big suggestion is kick them or give them an immediate cooldown afterwards, which (coming from cs) sound good on paper but, can be easily abused, and if you cant tell, Valorant really doesnt like having systems that can harm the player experience. Just watch any FranzJ video and youll see how he abuses the feature in CSGO.

Throwing: Exactly the same as TKing, adding a votekick system would not work for valorant as they dont want to implement fixes that harm the playerbase that does nothing wrong. Back when i played cs as a kid, id often get kicked when we were about to win because i was a squeaker and it seemed funny. Reporting does the trick, and if it doesnt and you have seen the player again, you can probably even send a support ticket.

Finally, these problems arent exclusive to valorant, they never will be. Ive played a lot of online shooters, all of them have these problems, people will be douches, not everyones a saint, and give some props to riot at least, have you seen cheater threads on this subreddit? They handle that problem so well, that theres barely anything to complain about. While frustrating at times, we always come back to Valorant, so theyve got to be doing something right ay? :)



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