Smurfing is still a huge issue and it's ruining ranked for me and other lower/mid ranked players

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 1, 2021 6:31 PM

There has got to be other ways to decrease the number of smurfs in ranked. It's ridiculous how many games I am playing an obvious smurf. I'll even ask them what rank they are on their main and usually they'll say immortal or diamond 3.

I love Valorant and I want to play this game and grind ranked but what's the fun if I'm playing people as plat 2 who are an entire tier above me?

I would like to know what the competitive team is doing currently to reduce smurfing. Also don't pull the "they make more money when people create smurf accounts". That is literally not true at all. Most smurfs don't bother to buy skins.



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