Smurfs have killed my want to play comp

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 4:36 PM

Okay so im not great at val I have my two mains and have struggled to get to silver one either solo or two stack queuing and I have noticed the obscene amount of smurfs ive played against or with in bronze. Its the worst to have an enemy team of mostly bronze or silver ranks but one guy is a fucking plat 2 and just sweeps with his obviously superior ability and of course people are just saying "oh just have coms" or "oh just get better" like my skill alone doesn't matter when its a team game and my people are low bronze either still learning or getting used to it. Its killed my want to play comp anymore just because any time I play 1 in 5 games I get some guy who's a literal God and goes 48 and 7 in the entire game.



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