Some guys need to stop being creepy

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 4:36 AM

SOME Guys need to stop being creepy when they play with girls in Valorant or any other games.

Like if they’re just dirty jokes I get it, I’m not that uncomfortable and would even join in (like an inside joke with friends) for most of it but just being rude and creepy? No.

I have a lot of male and female friends in Valorant who I just met online and I genuinely enjoy playing with them even if we lose or win some of the times we just meme the whole game or if we are losing we would joke around of Saying “this round I’ll ace it” and never have I been so uncomfortable up until my last game with strangers and the worst part is that a woman on my team said I should just get use to that kind of treatment which at that moment she wasn’t even experiencing.

I’m not sure if this post is appropriate in this sub reddit but I just wanted to at least voice out my experience.

Edit: english isnt my first language and I think prude isn’t the right word. (I removed it, my apologies)

And no I never went and join in with people who are being creep to a girl.



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