Posted by Steve
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 3:09 AM
I would like to share some ideas for potential buffs for harbour, as he has the lowest pick rate and win rate in ranked iirc. I've come up with two things for each ability and would like to here people's thoughts.
First idea is for his wall, a simple thing could be to make it not effect teammates, which is a heavily requested buff, but how about enemies that walk through it get partially blind for around 1 second, as if they had water in their eyes. This makes it more punishing to walk through a harbour wall, cause atm the small slow doesn't provide to much value especially since it effects teammates.
For cascade, the two ideas I have is to make it placeable, like a yoru clone, this makes it easier to conceal information on attack side for c site on haven for example you could place a wall at the start of the round, and once the round starts activate it blocked off c long for defenders, the defenders now don't know if their are enemies in cubby or walking up c long. This could sell fakes a lot easier. Or another buff, which is another heavily requested buff is to be able to rotate the wall, making it easier to use.
For cove one is pretty simple and heavily requested, being once destroyed the smoke stats behind. But another more interesting buff could be that it blocks throwable utility as well, making it more similar to a sage wall, this makes it more worth the 400 creds, as well as better against post plants eg viper mollies and kj mollies etc.
I think the ultimate is pretty underated, being a very large info gathering tool which causes a lot.of chaos in a round, so I don't think it needs any buffs or nerfs, but I'm open for suggestions as well.
So what are your thoughts? Do you think these will be too strong?
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