some noob question about how to enter a site

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 4:07 AM

I'm silver and have some question I just can't figure it out myself.

its a little long post so i just say first if this post is hard to read that is because english is not my first language and my english is so bad :(

For example in bind our team decide to go b through b long and hookah, and then enemy just smoke these two spot and my team just stuck outside of b.

What should we do now?

Just wait for the smoke end? but isn't it just give enemy time to rotate or flank?

or we should push the site through the smoke? but there will have another question because everytime my team do this they just die one by one then we lose the round.

What is the right play in this situation?

what should i do at the round start as the attacker ?

should we just spread the team on the map? but every time our team do this there will be someone get killed in some part of the map and the round become harder to win.

but if we all decide to go a site and get smoke then we back to my 1. question.

i always hear some guide video say i should trying to bait out some utility first but how to bait it?

sometime i trying to bait with some footstep but enemy just didn't react.

should i just peek to see if there have any enemy so they will use their utility? but isn't that is dangerous because i probably wil get killed?

this question kinda like 1. question but a little bit different.

but it's not through two direction its only one now

for example in ascent my team always tend to go 5 man push a main or b main, and then enemy just smoke it and then we stuck again.

And because we go 5 man a main or b main, we don't have any info of other part of the map and suddenly it feels enemy can be anywhere.

how do i do in this situation?

these question might seems dumb but it bothers me so long

and sorry again for my bad english :(



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