Why are there so many leavers/afkers?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 9, 2022 12:02 AM

I'm completely new to this game. I've played about 20 games so far, and in those 20 games i've only had about 5 normal games where there were no leavers/afkers.

I'm new to the whole FPS, so I'm wondering if this is just common in the genre? If it's just Valorant thing, why are there so many leavers? I'm not even really angry, just really curious to find out why that is. A simple internet drop doesn't seem to explain such a high rate of afks.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ypcdvv/why_are_there_so_many_leaversafkers/
  • https://reddit.com/ypcdvv

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