Some quick advice

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 18, 2021 10:36 PM

This is just a quick post, directed at mostly bronze and iron ranked players. (But can be directed at any person or rank) Just because you’re down 2, 5, or however many rounds doesn’t mean the game is over. Half the times you can surprise yourself and come back.

Also quit putting your teammates down because it does nothing but make them feel worse and lose motivation.

Finally, just because someone is Reyna or any other duelist doesn’t mean you need to freak out and call them trash because they aren’t top fragging. As long as they are engaging in fights and paving a path into sight, they are helping. (Obviously it would be great if they could get picks). Also, the same thing applies to someone who is a higher rank then you, they aren’t perfect and won’t always top drag. Rank doesn’t equate to skill.

Tldr- stop being toxic and start encouraging your teams, along with helping them learn from their mistakes.



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