Start shot calling plays every rank including normals it makes the game better

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 3:09 AM

I’ve recently started doing this and the games are much better. In agent select I’ll do a comm check and ask if anyone wants to shot call plays. If not I’ll do it, and I say if anyone wants to do it later just ask. If you don’t want to hear it please just mute me that’s fine.

Reason we’ll have double sentinel or or double controller and on defense they will both be on the same site.

Or we have Kayo and Reyna and they both throw their flashes at the same time. Then next round nobody throws their flash on entry one waiting for the other.

Caveat there is difference between shot calling and back seating.

Shot calling is managing macro play.

At the beginning of the round Saying Reyna leer A main then we push in. Kayo flash court yard after I double smoke the entrance. Then we stim rush in. Reyna leads and clears generator. Raze throw your grenade into heaven then clear hell. Sage hold flank and move in when we have control of the site. Then letting your team execute it.

It’s solo queue it’s not going to be perfect. I’ll tell you it’s hell of a lot better than randomly guessing what everyone is doing. It gives the game some structure.



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