Posted by Steve
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 5:48 PM

I'm a 3k elo CS player and i have like 8k hours in the game and i decided to start playing valorant because my friends were like you gotta try it out. So i started and i've been playing valorant for 2~ months now, also started because i really lost motivation in CS and was really open to trying out valorant . When the game first came out, like every CS player i was like "yeah this game is garbage etc." and didn't even touch it in beta. Now that i played 2 months of solo Q, i can say that i enjoy the game much more than CS, and right now i like so much that i completely stopped playing CS.
My last game stats;
My overall thoughts;
My general thoughts on Solo Q is that, i feel like its way harder to Solo Q in this game because for example, even bad aimers can utilize their agent kit in a way that sometimes you dont even have a chance to aim and you just die without seeing anyone. obviously agent kits do much much more for a player that is worse in aiming than smokes and flashes do in CS. This game is also i think requires way way more teamplay than CS, which makes Solo Q ing harder because i kept getting people that didnt comm and opponents were acutally playing great as a team. (i mean this applies to CS as well but agent skills acutally make teamplay much more stronger in solo Q as opposed to your flashes in CS)
Lets say in CS you are playing against worse opponents or you are smurfing, its really hard for the opponent to acutally kill you if you are much better, but in this game it feels like everyone can acutally kill everybody. like if i was smurfing in cs i would be by far the best player and opponents couldnt acutally kill me because of the skill gap between us, but when i finished my triangle and hopped on a plat 3 account, it felt like people were hitting the same shots as radiant players did which was interesting, i mean obviously i still am better and the usual happened, but i feel like i died more times than i should've or i kept thinking if it was CS they wouldn't have killed me so i will say that skill ceiling is lower. For example in cs in 2.5k lobbies i was dropping 40. but a 3.5k elo player was dropping 40 against me and it felt like he was the best player ever. than you see players like ZywOo and s1mple dropping 40 vs best players in the world and you think like how good they must be to do that.
When it comes to carrying pubs, If i had to pick an agent, it would obviously be Reyna. I got to Immortal 1 in like First 7 days by only picking reyna and just aiming. Like i didnt even know what half of the agents did in the game, for example when breach was like stunning me, i was asking my teammates what was that and they thought i was trolling but it was a geniune question. (I also like Cypher and Sage a lot, and i also played a lot of Cypher in pugs and i think he is pretty scary when combined with a good aimer.) I also wanna say that people that can get kills while playing Omen and Brim are legends, i cant focus on my crosshair when i also have to smoke and do stuff, it just throws me off so i promised myself that im not playing smokes ever ^^D)
I feel like getting trades are easier in this game. For example if you hide in a corner and 3 opponents bypass you, for example in Bind A short, believe it or not its pretty hard to get the all 3 kills from behind even if you perfectly 1 tap first 2 opponents. For example in CS, if i was hiding behind sandbags in banana, dont remember a time that i failed to get all 3 kills with fast 3 taps from behind but in this game something feels off. Also in cs its much easier to get 5 man spraydowns vs eco, etc. but in this game you just get traded, idk if its me but it felt like that a lot.
Spraying feels off in this game. i dont think i even spray at all in this game. I just cant make it work even though my spray in CS was i would say "pretty good". Idk what it is but spraying just doesnt work for me.
I would like to have a nice conversation about my opinions and what you think, and your experiences in certain situations.
TLDR: solo q is harder. spraying feels off. trading is easier. skill ceiling is lower.
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