Stinger has dropped to a 0.29% pickrate with the new 600ms burst fire delay. What is going on with Riot's gun balance? Why nerf this gun even further into oblivion?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 11:33 AM

Stinger, Spectre, and Sheriff stats 5-2-2022 in mid elo and above according to METASRC

Since recent patch added the 600ms burst firing delay, this gun has become positively unusable, and the 0.29% pickrate reflects that, which is 1/27th the pickrate of Sheriff, and 1/23rd the pickrate of Spectre.

The only redeeming quality of this gun was its alt fire, which allowed you to 1-2 burst people in short ranges. But, with the firing delay, you are stuck in molasses and it's impossible to pull off.

The change was supposedly to stop people from binding both aim and shoot to the same key, however that "exploit" sucked ass and provided little to no benefit IMO because it made the recoil worse. Also, remember that the classic's alt fire is still instant... along with every other gun's alt fire in the game... so weird to put a crippling 600ms delay on the least-picked weapon in the entire game, while letting every other gun instantly use their alt fires.

Very few people used this gun in the first place, so no outcry, but this nerf makes me very sad as one of the few stinger users out there. I don't understand why they ruined my niche gun... 😞



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