Sudden insane progression out of nowhere

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 20, 2023 12:31 PM

I started valorant last year October, and I had little experience in FPS shooter games, but through a few friends' guidance, fell in love with the game. During my two month holidays from October to December, I played daily for about 3-4 hours, which is quite a lot, I improved fast and ended in silver 3 at the end of November. However, I felt it hard to get out of silver for the rest of the year and ended 2022 with a rank of gold 1. As the new year started, I soon got busy with school and other commitments and rarely touched the game, playing it 2-3 hours a week. When the March Holidays came around, I was somehow plat 2 although i felt the same and did not feel like i really got significantly better, and I grinded for around 2-3 hours a day during this holiday. Today is the end of the holidays and I am now Diamond 3, managing to outclass and outfrag most of my friends who used to be better than me. They asked me how i have improved so much but to that I have no idea either lol, my aim feels the same. (I main reyna, neon and sage, and I play in Singapore servers) Have any of you experienced similar levels of strange but sudden progression despite not playing much?



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