Posted by Steve
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:00 PM
This is not really a suggestion but more towards discussing weather it's too op to be added. And if riot employees see this, might be a chance for them to think about adding this or not. hehe thanks !!
- I think agents countdown for their abilities. Like sage heal, they have like seconds right? So I think that after every kill that sage get. Say the countdown is 25 seconds. Then she gets a kill and it minus 5 second from the countdown. Would that be too op?
I think that it would be a great addition to the game.
And another topic that I want to be discussed is that. If neon can get free slide and run during buy phase, shouldn't Jett get free dash during buy phase?
I think that chamber trademark should be able to be picked up in the middle of a round. And so should cypher's cyber cage and kj's nanoswarm.
I think that friends should be able to enter our party and spectate us play. Because some of my friends got a weak laptop/pc. And they can't share their screens. This might be a good suggestion.
Also I was wondering, how do you use the mic volume thingy. I don't know what it's for and weather going right is much louder or something or vice versa.
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