Surrender vote tweak

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 6, 2021 8:12 AM

Hear me out. Had a game last night where one of my teammates for whatever reason decided to THROW. He said another one of our teammates reported him and he was chat banned for two weeks. This guy was playing sova. At the start of the round he would try to double shock dart as many of his teammates as he could. He would then shoot his recon dart at us. Then he would either shoot his gun at us or jump around us making as much noise as possible. He would also type in all chat where we were. Especially in clutch situations when he was dead he would tell the other team where we were as much as he could.

A horrific teammate like this isn't a rare occurrence. This was a high plat/low diamond game and I have a feeling stuff like this happens way more in the lower ranks.

This was the first time I actually tried to surrender, and couldn't, because you need 5 yes votes to surrender! Obviously this guy is going to vote no because he is trying to make this game as miserable as possible for us. So we were left with two decisions. Stay in a miserable game where the odds are totally against you or alt+f4.

My proposed change is that if 4 users on 1 team all report the 5th player on their team for something, that this will unlock the ability to approve a surrender with 4 votes instead of needing all 5.

Is this a perfect fix to this problem? No, because what if there are 2 people joining together trying to make your game miserable? That is another problem, but think that this idea is a step in the right direction.



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