Surrendering most of my games makes me wonder why I even bother.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, April 1, 2021 1:28 AM

Surrendering is a massive problem as a returning beta player to Valorant. More than half of my games end in surrendering at round 5. I can't get better, begin to learn maps, work on my gunplay in the main gameplay mode if I can't play more than 5 rounds of it. I'm at a complete loss on how I'm supposed to learn anything in this game if it's just getting one-tapped or one-tapping someone else who was even worse prepared for playing the game than I was, and then ending the game before I'm even able to swap sides then waiting twenty minutes in queue for three minutes of actual gameplay and two minutes of waiting for the round to even start.

It's real nice that deathmatch and escalation exist but they don't represent the gameplay I'm going to see if I ever wanted to get serious in this game. Just basically standing at spawn waiting for someone else to walk by or spawn so you can kill them as if I'm playing Cold War.

Wandering around a map by myself staring at everything in a custom game doesn't feel like I'm learning the map, even when I'm trying to make up set-ups for my Sova darts or Sage orbs or Cypher tripwires, I just get into an actual game and for those 5 rounds they mean literally nothing because no one goes there, or they already know it and I die instantly. I don't know where people like to swing fast, I don't know where people like to walk, I don't know where people like the camp, hell, I hardly know where head height is because every engagement is about 0.3 seconds and then two minutes of walking around hoping someone else shows up.

The first day I came back, I played about an hour of training range to get a general feel of the guns that I thought I'd be using, got my but kicked in my first match of unrated for five rounds, and then learned that there was a surrender command via the game ending suddenly. I feel that's very sad for anyone who wants to start playing this game, and their first match ever can be a five round of getting stomped and then a game end before they could even make anything of their experience.

I'm just at a complete loss. I'm losing all drive to try and get better, learn, or play at all if I know that every other game is just me returning to queue without even getting the opportunity to maybe do better on the other side, or suddenly just activate and clutch up which actually happens once in a while. This, in my opinion, is far more frustrating than Smurfs, AFKS or Leavers/Disconnects. Not having any actual competition, just a few rounds of a one-sided massacre on my side or the enemy side with no ability to even make it to the second half of the game.



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