Posted by Steve
Friday, April 21, 2023 9:09 PM
It would be nice to increase the size of Chamber's teleportation radius, on some maps it is already playable, but not enough in my opinion.
And in fact, on other maps, it is useless, maps where there is a large space (Pearl, Breeze). We can't place the teleporter well enough for a good defense... -
It would be nice to make the old skins of the old battlepasses available for winning in some free battlepass, or to improve the store to offer more skins for purchase...I have all the skins from the old battle passes, but I don't understand why, no one can have them anymore, for example the Vandal .EXE is cool and clean, but it's not going to gain any value, I can't trade it in (and I don't want to), so make it win in an anniversary battle pass, I don't know!
Thank you
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