To all Iron-gold players...

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 20, 2022 7:00 PM

Never give up.

I placed bronze 1/iron 3 in my first act, and I was hardstuck there. But I spent around 50 hours training and the next act I placed bronze 1 again, but ended in silver 2. But then I spent over 200 hours training and grinding, to get higher. And now at the end of the 3rd act of me playing valorant, I have reached diamond.

I was extremely close to giving up when I hit iron 3, but because I didn't, now I'm diamond 1, so please, NEVER give up. Even if you have friends who dosn't want to play with you because of you being bronze, or friends constantly telling you that your just lucky and not good. Both things happened to me, and I became a higher rank than all of them.

And my biggest tip, play the agent you find the most fun. I was always criticised for playing yoru since I was bronze, but if I hadn't stuck to him because he was so fun, I likely would've never hit this.



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