Thats it.. Prime Odan will kill valorant

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 3, 2021 11:33 AM

As most of you guys probly saw, the prime odan got leaked. As we all know, the Prime vandle is way to OP - it Does to much damge , and its Unfair for people like me who gota fight prime vandle abusers With only the black vandle skin.

Im not gona lie, I was prety exitceted for the next patch. They got new charcter astra Who can fly and she also got cool hair cut. Howver, when i Opened up redit today, I LIATERALY fainted from what my Eyes see: PRIME ODAN.

No afense to anyone, But im am probly the Best odan user in the Game, and I dont even got any SKINS. But now its gona be IMPOSIBLE to win any Match cause rich people gona buy prime ODAN and win evrey single batle. It dosnt mater what skin you got.. Prime odan gona ruin the game wahther you like it or not.

Im so sick of riot dirty PAY to win modle. I thoguht this was suposed to be a game of skill, not a Game of how much Credit card debt You can get to Acheve high Rank like bronse, Golden, and Dimond. Theres alraedy enough HACKER (rana) in the game that Makes it imposible for good player like me (Im rank: Iran 1 but almost iran2 except For RANA hacker) that riot Shouldnt adding in the prime ODAN.

Alot of you guys kno w, I sayed I would QUIT valrant when they aded prime odan, Well gues what Im quiting valrant Until i can Find my moms cradit card to Buy one. To riot: why Even think about ading prime odan if You know its OP. This gun got no place in competive game like valrant...



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