Posted by Steve
Tuesday, May 3, 2022 1:29 AM
I've been wanting this since RGX 1.0, no idea why it's not a thing yet. It can get pretty tiring to have to keep switching the colors until you get the one you want, especially if you have a specific gun buddy combo that only works with a certain color.
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I made it to diamond 2 baby!!!!!! And we came back from 3-9 to 15-13 for the extra few RR! I'm too scared to queue now :D
[I made it to diamond 2 baby!!!!!! And we came back from 3-9 to 15-13 for the extra few RR! I'm too scared to queue now :D](
Posted by Otto
Monday, March 21, 2022 4:36 PM
Agent Concept: Maestro (Duelist)
I was bored.
Ability 1: Mute: Throws a flashbang that also dazes the enemy. (I feel anything else, like Kayo Knife x flash would be a bit broken)
Ability 2: Decrescendo: Throws a smoke with a smaller radius than normal smokes but when ene...
Posted by Otto
Thursday, March 16, 2023 6:31 PM
You ever one tapped a fast flying enemy Raze???

Posted by Otto
Sunday, June 20, 2021 11:33 PM