Posted by Steve
Monday, October 4, 2021 5:05 PM
No one likes being forced to be in a curb stomped game for 20 minutes, especially that they don't gain anything by trying to win it unlike in competitive. Unrated is really unbalanced due to how people of different skill ranks can queue together, so having to be a shitty player sit in a lobby with a bunch of people who aim like a god can be infuriating, so a lot of people have resorted to surrendering every match they don't feel comfortable to play in, and that isn't even a consistent way to shorten matches if you soloQ.
I know a load of people have asked this before, but Riot, you are losing so many potential casual players by not adding a shorter and more casual gamemode. I've had countless people tell me they don't like Valorant due to how long the matches are, so I think it's time to change. They have added shorter minigames such as replication and spike rush, but that isn't the real Valorant experience due to different rulesets. CSGO has already implemented this with their shorter match gamemodes in their latest update, so what's stopping Valorant from drastically improving their game to the casual audience?
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